Student Rights and Responsibilities
Somerville students have rights and responsibilities.
As a Somerville student:
I have the right to be respected; therefore, I have the responsibility to be respectful of others.
- I will accept and include others who are different from me.
- I will listen while others are speaking.
- I will use kind words so that I don't hurt the feelings of others
- I will respect the ideas and opinions of others
I have the right to feel safe; therefore, I have the responsibility to be safe and keep others safe.
- I will follow playground and lunchroom rules.
- I will keep my hands and feet to myself.
- I will walk in the hallways and stairways at all times.
- I will help make Somerville a bully-free school.
I have the right to learn; therefore, I have the responsibility to work peacefully.
- I will follow classroom rules.
- I will work quietly when working independently.
- I will work cooperatively in groups.
I have the right to be successful in school; therefore, I have the responsibility to be prepared and do my personal best.
- I will complete my assignments on time.
- I will obey all Somerville teachers and adult helpers.
I have the right to be a citizen of the Somerville community; therefore, I have the responsibility to treat the building and grounds with respect.