Technology Acceptable Use Agreement

Technology Acceptable Use Agreement

Grades 2-5


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Throughout the course of this school year, your child will be utilizing various technology tools to enhance his/her learning experience in the classroom. The following is a technology agreement that covers specific terms of technology use to be followed at all times, beyond the Acceptable Use Policy that is currently on Skyward. Please read this over with your child, then sign and return the last page to your child’s teacher. 

Lorna Oates-Santos


Purpose Statement

This school year, your child will have access to the following technology equipment:

  • Chromebook
    • Access to Google Drive, Docs, Slides and other Google Apps
    • Access to the Internet
    • Access to interact with other classmates
    • Access to all classwork at school and at home.

The use of these technology tools allows teachers to expand instructional methods and enhance instructional delivery, enrich student performance, and increase student engagement. Internet access is available to all students and teachers, offering a wide variety of educational opportunities. The school district is in compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act and has installed technology protection measures for all computers in the school district, including computers in media centers/libraries that block and/or filter content. 

Students will be educated throughout the school year on appropriate online behaviors, including how to properly access materials and how to interact with others accordingly. 

As a school community, we invite families to consider the role media plays in your family.  Portions of this agreement encourage students to maintain open communication with parents and to begin identifying limits for their own screen time usage.  We encourage families to use this document periodically throughout the year to reinforce expectations in your own homes. As a school, we recognize that our young students will make mistakes and we encourage students to be honest and open about these stumbles.  We hope that your family will see the missteps our youngsters may make as opportunities, not disappointments.  

Student Technology Agreement Terms

As a student at Somerville School, I promise to use technology tools correctly and responsibly. I agree to follow these rules:

I, _________________________________________, will: 

… take care.  

I will use all technology tools in a responsible and careful manner. 

… be honest

I will use technology tools and the Internet at school for teacher approved schoolwork only. 

I promise to obey the copyright laws and not take credit for someone else’s work.

… stay safe.

I will not give out personal information about me or others on the Internet.

I will only share my passwords with my teacher, or parents; I will not use another student’s password to access his/her account for any reason.

I will not download, view, send, or display inappropriate pictures or messages.

I will tell an adult if I see or read something that is inappropriate, dangerous, or makes me feel uncomfortable.   

… think first. 

I will use technology tools to interact with others appropriately. 

I will not use technology tools to tease, harass, frighten, or bully anyone; I will be an upstander and report any inappropriate incidents to a trusted adult

I will make sure that what I share is something I don’t mind showing my parents.

I understand that everything I do online can be traced back to me and can never be fully erased. 

I will also respect the rules for technology use in my home.  I will:

… stay balanced.

I will help my family set media time limits that make sense, and then I will follow them.

… communicate openly.

I will talk to my family openly and answer any questions they have honestly.  

I will tell my family if I have made a mistake online or need help.  


Should a student be found to have violated these terms or to have utilized technology improperly in any way, consequences may be applied.  As with our typical discipline procedures, all infractions will be handled individually and the application of consequences will be determined by the teacher and/or school principal.  Consequences may include, but are not limited to:

  • conversations with teacher/principal
  • conferences with parents
  • loss of computer privileges 
  • reimbursement to the district for materials lost/damaged

Students: I have read this agreement and understand all of the school rules and consequences related to using computers and Internet at Somerville School. I also understand that my family has expectations for using technology at home.  I will do my best to be a good digital citizen. I understand that my work on the computer is not private and that use of the computer and Internet at Somerville School is a privilege, not a right.

Student Name (Print)            ____________________________________

Student Signature                 ____________________________________

Teacher                                  ____________________________________

Grade _______________       Date _____/_____/____

Parent/Guardian: I have read and discussed this Technology Acceptable Use Agreement with my child. I give permission for my child to use technology tools at Somerville School, and I understand that it is a privilege for my child to utilize them. I agree that my child will do his/her best to follow the rules and will abide by the consequences if any rules are broken. I will do my best to help my child become a good digital citizen.

Parent/Guardian Name (Print)          _____________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature               _____________________________________

Date _____/______/______